Becca’s Story
Becca shares her story of her own father abusing her; forcing her into [...]
John Funk – On the Road to Success
John set fire to almost 10 houses, had 5 prison numbers, addiction, homelessness. [...]
Diane Mang – Has Bipolar 1 with Psychotic Features and OCD and Lives a Normal life.
Diane Mang will tell you how she once dreamed of killing people in [...]
Tanisha Bankston – An Abuse Survivor
Tanisha was raped at the age of 9 by a family member. She [...]
Heather Slaughter – Fighting for Justice
Michelle interviews Heather Slaughter, who was once kidnapped, held hostage, raped and beaten [...]
Annemarie Cohen Now Helps Others with Chemical Dependency
Couldn't attend her 9-year-old's spelling Bee because she was home on the couch [...]